Cogit Starcust
Cogit Starcust is capable of collecting, centralizing and globalizing orders and verify execution data.
The following functions are covered :- Determination of securities accounts,
- Calculation of valuation and investment dates,
- Management of orders in all currencies and for a large range of instruments types,
- Management of grouped orders and their allocations,
- Connectivity with the centralizers (SWIFT or FAX),
- Management of the tarification et customer / broker fees (by type of customer, broker, instrument and market),
- Total, multiple and partial executions,
- Production of transaction notices for customers and custodians,
- Follow-up of the whole life-cycle of orders by status and timestamp, a full audit trail and generation of accounting events,
- Personalized reporting for all operational needs,
- Matching of assets and liabilities back to back.
(Straight Through Processing – Automation of processes without interruption for operations requiring manual intervention uniquely for exceptions management)
Cogit Starcust has benefitted from a research and development tax credit in relation to it's calculation parallesation algorithms and for the notation of transaction notices via a system of parametered criterion.
For more information, contact Scenario.